
Best Environmental Practices of Leading Retailers from Around the World
Evans, Denney, Jacobs, Sparks, Webb, Vilanova, 2009
Greening Retail
Engaging the Retail Sector in Sustainability “It Makes Good Business Sense”
Evans, Denney, McIntyre, and Reesor, 2006
European Retailers in the North American Market
The Next Wave for Canada? Evans, Jones, Insausti and Kendal, 2003.
Top of the E-Class: Ranking and Best Practices of Over 170 Web Sites
Dawe and Evans, with Marion Denney, Spring 2000
Foreign Retailers in Canada: Survey Results Including a Special Feature on Wal-Mart International
Evans and Barbiero, 1999
Retail Border Wars III, International Retailers Operating in Canada
Evans and Cox, 1997
Retail Border Wars II, Canadian Cases in International Retailing
Evans, 1997
Retail Border Wars
Evans, 1996
The Ontario Retail Industry: A Strategy for the 21st Century
Retail Sector Strategy Board and Evans, 1995
Commercial Opportunities in Mexico City
Simmons, Evans, 1994
New Formats in the Canadian Retail Economy
Jones, Evans, Smith 1994
Border Crossings, Doing Business in the US
Evans, Lane, O'Grady, 1992
Canadian Retail: Past, Present, and What's in Store(Canadian Retailer, Dec 2002)
Learning How to Succeed in the American Market
(Business Quarterly, November 1992)
Learning to Live on Lower Margins
(Style, September 1992)
Free Trade Touches Down Changing Retail Forever
(Canadian Retailer, Spring 1992)
Border Crossings, A One Way Street
(Working Paper, January 1992)
Who's Winning and Why
(Canadian Retailer, March 1991)
Can Canadian Retailers Make it in the U.S.?
(Working Paper, November 1990)