Border Crossings
International Retailing and Market Entry Strategies
From pre-entry preparation and research to development of entry strategies and implementation services, we provide a one-stop-shop for retailers seeking to expand across international borders.Experience shows that extensive research is key to early success and profit-maximization. We have developed a "Check list for Entry" and "Seven Key Steps" that retailers should undertake when expanding internationally.
Evans and Company and Border Crossings, our international consulting division, provide extensive strategic and analytical services that cover all aspects of international expansion. These ensure that costly surprises are avoided and opportunities are maximized within the host market. A few of these are listed in the following:
Quantification: of the opportunity,
Market assessment: to go or not to go,
Cultural differences: how to deal with them,
Competition: level, quality and positioning,
Price analysis: defining the right pricing for the new market,
Gross margin: quantifying cost of goods and identifying sourcing alternatives,
Regulatory issues: identification and cost effective solutions,
Logistics planning: how to flow goods efficiently to the new market,
Systems Integration: between head office and new international division,
Head office and company structure: options for managing the international operation,
Proforma development: defining the ROI based on cross-border operating benchmarks,
Entry strategy and location analysis: from overall strategy to predictive modeling,
Implementation services: including such services as staff and executive recruiting, media and public relations management, import/export logistics, and warehousing and distribution co-ordination.